Thursday 7 April 2016

Research 4

 I have been researching using photoshop to help with the development in the future.

Research 3

These are videos I have been watching. From the artist Mark Crilley , that will give me ideas of what the poster could be like.

I also have been researching Inking and bird eye views for poses I may put characters in.

Monday 4 April 2016

research 2

A Naruto poster. I hope to create a poster that is a fisheye point of view. That would be an amazing poster to create. The mangaka of Naruto most of the time creates fisheye cover for his manga.

Research 1

I will be collabing with Sio creating a big poster of comic characters and anime characters. 
These are the characters I will be drawing. They are characters from anime's most people have at least have seen once.